Invisibility in Middle Age

In exploring the great invisibility of middle-aged women, I decided to do my geek out thing and look up the definition of invisible in several dictionaries. Whether as a noun or adjective, invisible speaks to something or someone being unrecognized or ignored and...

Resign as Chief Operating Officer of Control!

Resign as Chief Operating Officer of Control! Sobbing on the floor in one of those dark-night-of-the-soul moments when you feel like you are going to break in two if you don’t breakthrough, I picked up my journal because I knew I needed to capture the thoughts and...

The Power Of The Middle Part 2

About two years ago I unwittingly stumbled upon what I now know is the cultural invisibility of women in their middle years. Clients shared about feeling overlooked at work in spite of their loyalty as an employee. Single clients and friends talked about feeling...

Vulnerability and Truth

Isn’t it funny, how much we want people to be honest with us yet we can get a little less than truth-telling with ourselves about the hard stuff? It is vulnerable to know our own truths. I’m an ace at ignoring truths that are doing their best to get my attention. I...

Mercury Retrograde Relief!

I don’t remember ever having so many pre-Mercury Retrograde shenanigans … ever, and that’s saying something, y’all!  This morning, after the ninety-ninth thing went sideways on me, instead of crawling under my bed and hiding like a good kitty,...

The Power of the Middle

It seems we Modern Goddesses are in the Middle. The Middle of personal growth. The Middle of spiritual evolution. The middle of our unique transitions. The Middle of nasty politics. The Middle of taking care of aging parents, or children, or both. The Middle of life....