Me: In your book, you ask us to think of Money as a real person and that allows us to completely re-evaluate our relationship with Money. How can you take the next step to change it from a great relationship to actually manifesting cash in our lives?
Morgana Rae: Great, great question! In this new relationship, you have gotten rid of any reasons that you had to repel or protect yourself from money. That makes a world of difference. That’s the first step. It’s very hard to welcome and keep money while you’re unconsciously pushing it away.
When money is safe and worthy of your deepest trust and admiration, you make decisions differently and you show up differently… and that makes you very, very attractive. There may be some things that you used to do that you will stop doing, things that didn’t honor you or respect you. And there may be some things that you used to do that didn’t work that start to work all of a sudden because you know your value, you have confidence, and you aren’t based in fear.
It starts with the relationship. It’s not just a relationship with money: it’s a relationship with yourself. You value yourself in a way that you may never, ever have valued yourself before.
And then the final piece of my Financial Alchemy® process–step number six–and this is the most important: is ACTION!
That’s when the magic happens. That takes it from being some cool idea and makes it real. Over and over and over again, I see people only get the result when they take the action that they agreed to with their money honey.
That’s why I designed my workbook to guide you in taking the smallest, easiest actions for the biggest results.
The thing about making money into a person is you get to have conversations. You ask your Money, “Money, what do you want me to do? Money, what do you need from me, so that you can stay with me? Money, what do you want me to do so I can feel less anxious? Money, what do you want me to do?” You get an answer, do what your Money Honey tells you to do, and THAT’S when the cash shows up!
Me: Here’s something I’ve noticed … once people start to manifest more money in their life, many of them find their expenses go up too…. so they feel they are no better off! What are they doing wrong?
Morgana Rae: Well, that is another one of my favorite examples of a money monster. This process is not just for people who don’t have money or want to make more money: it’s also for people who are great at making money … and getting rid of it!
So when expenses go up, that’s a way we get rid of money because it unconsciously feels dangerous to us. If money is dangerous–if it’s caused fights or caused grief in your life (either having it or not having it)–getting rid of money is a symptom of having a Money Monster.
Me: Oh, that used to be me!
Morgana Rae: So when you change your relationship with money to this really healthy, safe, loving, personal relationship with your Money Honey; you lose your reason for getting rid of money. You don’t want to get rid of this person that you deeply, deeply love.
A client of mine years back made 1.5 million dollars six weeks after our first coaching session. One of my favorite things that he told me, in our second or third session, was that his money told him that it was okay to spend money… but to spend money CONSCIOUSLY on things that are worth it. One of the mistakes that we make is we will buy lots of cheap junk, and we’ll just buy things unconsciously, just getting rid of money. It’s okay to spend money but invest in things that are worthy of your new relationship.
Me: Morgana, you have been a part of my Modern Goddess ceremony circle for years, and we’ve enjoyed lots of moon magic. How does the process of Alchemy come into your work?
Morgana Rae: My personal definition of Alchemy is the transmutation of leaden human experience into spiritual gold. And fortunately, in my Financial Alchemy® process (the subject of my book), that translates into material gold as well.
Unlike a lot of Law of Attraction programs that insist you ALWAYS have to think positively, and that tell you that you’re going to attract horrible things if you have negative thoughts or feelings… we START the process with your negative experiences.
In fact, you can’t even get to the gold without going through the lead first! It’s NECESSARY: it creates Polarity. There’s no magic in neutrality.
We go for the pain first. It’s NEVER what you’re conscious of. It’s the HIDDEN stuff. This is where we create the momentum for change… to get you to everything that you want, everything that is good. But first, we want to take care of the lead.
That’s Alchemy: it’s actually USING the pain that is there… not pretending it’s not there, not making you wrong for having fear and frustration and anxiety and difficult experiences. No, we use it!
In fact, the bigger your (personified) “Money Monster” is, the bigger your “Money Honey” will be, and the bigger your results are.
So, I’m not going to punish you for having negative thoughts. I’m going to teach you how to use them and make them bigger for the sake of getting what you most deeply desire in your heart in terms of money, love, life and happiness.
I hope you enjoyed this interview with Morgana Rae and that you’ll check out her book Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation at