Your Heroine’s Journey!

If the classic Hero’s Journey is prompted by an external world call for change, the Heroine’s Journey is prompted by: 1. Feelings of “is this all there is?” 2. “I always really wanted to …” and 3. “This isn’t what I thought it would be like …” The Heroine’s Journey...

Empty and Stuffed

Empty is a word that we don’t like to use to describe ourselves – garbage cans are preferred empty, we often empty a chip or cookie bag, a vacant lot is empty until a home is built.  But for a person to feel empty, vulnerable, well … that must mean there is something...

When Am I Going To Get Over This?

We all have a “this” we want to get beyond. We yearn for the freedom of release from the heaviness of whatever our “this” is. Sometimes in that yearning, we adopt coping behaviors to minimize the discomfort – like ordering that second (or third) cocktail, eating...


It was a normal … usual … average … day. I slid behind the wheel of my car to run a few errands and tossed my purse onto the passenger seat as I’d done about a million times before. And for some reason, I really heard it that day. The Bluetooth thing-a-ma-jig in my...