His voice at once so familiar, so beloved, and so different in its weakness echoes in my ears. My second great love, the man I call Scott in my book, has died. I am not sure what to do with all my sadness. Sadness for his death, sadness all over again for our demise,...
There is a famed story about Marilyn Monroe walking down 5th Avenue in New York City with a friend, clad in a headscarf and raincoat, discussing fame and stardom. New Yorkers bustled by, not paying Norma Jean any attention. She turned to her friend and asked, “Do you...
Birth of FOMO I’ve been semi-run by Fear of Missing Out, a-k-a FOMO, since I was quite young. My parents grew up in Houston and because they both enjoyed our extended family, we went to Houston frequently, driving in on Friday evening after my dad got off work....
Recently, I found myself on the brink of self-frustration. I was blaming the weather, lack of time and anything else I could think of for the fact that I wasn’t doing that thing called moving my body (exercise!). The trap door opened on self-derision. So I sat myself...
A client once said to me, “I hate who I have become.” I replied, you aren’t that damn Chief Operating Officer of Control Mask, you’ve just been in the habit of wearing it for so long, you have come to think it is you. We took a deep dive into that mask and once she...
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