Vulnerability and Emotions

I love old, goofy movies. In “Support Your Local Sheriff” one of the funniest lines comes from the town drunk who bears physical resemblance to the big, bad gun for hire the townsfolk are terrified will ride into town. Once scrubbed clean and put in proper gunslinger...

Self-Love Permission

Recently, I found myself on the brink of self-frustration. I was blaming the weather, lack of time and anything else I could think of for the fact that I wasn’t doing that thing called moving my body (exercise!). The trap door opened on self-derision. So I sat myself...

Vulnerability, Resilience and Asking For Help

“What is your current resilience factor?” I asked a client recently. I could have made a batch of gluten-free cookies in the pause before her answer. “I don’t think I’m very resilient at all,” she said in a measured tone, trying to hide that she was weeping. “Woo-hoo,...

Opportunity or Control?

I ping-ponged between my happy-go-lucky-sunshine-self and hot-head-know-it-all Aries in my younger years. I learned in my twenties that my flash-point anger was one way I tried to control situations. I quickly realized opportunities diminished when I lost my...

Vulnerability and Strength

There’s an old saying that goes something like: We must learn to bend like the willow tree or we may snap like the mighty oak. I love watching the sway of willow trees in the wind. There is a gracefulness and beauty as their limbs flutter. Allowing yourself to flow...

Build Your Self Love Muscles!

A client once said to me, “I hate who I have become.” I replied, you aren’t that damn Chief Operating Officer of Control Mask, you’ve just been in the habit of wearing it for so long, you have come to think it is you. We took a deep dive into that mask and once she...