Friday, December 21, 2018, is the Winter Solstice, the longest, darkest night of the year in the northern hemisphere. The Winter Solstice is also the rebirth of light, in that each day becomes a bit longer after the Solstice. In the land of The Modern Goddess, we...
I met my target date of Monday, October 1 to hand over my book manuscript to my editor!!!! Wheeeee! Happy Dance!!! I spent the weekend before that target date in the writing (or in this case, rewriting) nest and completed my goal. When done, I experienced everything...
The Winter Solstice is the longest, darkest night of the year in the northern hemisphere, yet this darkness rebirths the light. In the land of The Modern Goddess, i.e. my LA circle of goddesses, we pause at the Winter Solstice to acknowledge the gamut of our year:...
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