Hurricane Harvey’s Lessons Part 1

As I sat on the phone with my mother in Texas at 11:00 p.m. central on Tuesday, Aug 29th it was clear to me that Hurricane Harvey’s water would be coming into her Port Arthur, TX house shortly. By that time, her landline had stopped working due to rising water in her...

When You Think You Know Best!

One of my first blog posts on being in the grips of the Chief Operating Officer of Control mask was about the time I tried to tell a man in the film business, in his 50’s, the correct way to purchase our movie tickets. After my third interruption of his interaction at...

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Trail Map!

O.K. y’all – there is a TON of stuff happening astrologically speaking. You have no doubt heard terms that are meaningless to you around the numerous retrogrades, full moon, eclipses and what it all means may feel like mumbo-jumbo you don’t smoke! Here’s my...

Vulnerability and Emotions

I love old, goofy movies. In “Support Your Local Sheriff” one of the funniest lines comes from the town drunk who bears physical resemblance to the big, bad gun for hire the townsfolk are terrified will ride into town. Once scrubbed clean and put in proper gunslinger...

Self-Love Permission

Recently, I found myself on the brink of self-frustration. I was blaming the weather, lack of time and anything else I could think of for the fact that I wasn’t doing that thing called moving my body (exercise!). The trap door opened on self-derision. So I sat myself...

Vulnerability, Resilience and Asking For Help

“What is your current resilience factor?” I asked a client recently. I could have made a batch of gluten-free cookies in the pause before her answer. “I don’t think I’m very resilient at all,” she said in a measured tone, trying to hide that she was weeping. “Woo-hoo,...