It was a normal … usual … average … day. I slid behind the wheel of my car to run a few errands and tossed my purse onto the passenger seat as I’d done about a million times before.
And for some reason, I really heard it that day. The Bluetooth thing-a-ma-jig in my car that says, “Connected!” in a cheerful voice.
On the surface, the message is that my mobile phone is connected to the Bluetooth speaker. And ever since that average day about a year ago, I hear the deeper, crystal clear opportunity to recognize what I am connected to in the moment.
On really good days that start with intentional meditation and journaling time, my list sounds like, “I am Connected to The Divine, Mother/Father/God/Goddess, Love, Joy, Earth, Family, Friends, Meaningful work with clients, Positivity, My Body, Creativity, Gratitude,” and the like.
On the days that I don’t feel all that great before sliding into the driver’s seat (see the layers here?!) and I hear “Connected!” from the Bluetooth speaker, I discover I am on auto-pilot. That list sounds like, “Irritation, Frustration, Pain, Hurt Feelings, Sadness, Expectation, Disappointment,” and the like. Those are also the days I’ve sacrificed my morning groove time.
Connection time to the Universe, Gratitude, Love, Myself via meditation, prayer and journaling at the start of the day offer me that bright sense of “Connected!” I think we all crave.
So, let this post be like a Bluetooth reminder that you are indeed “Connected!” and that you get to choose what you will be connected to each day, and even moment by moment.
In fact, that has become the question I ask myself each morning after I turn off the alarm clock – What am I currently connected to, and what do I choose to be connected to for the rest of the day?
Try asking yourself what you are connected to at various times during the day and if you don’t like the experience, remind yourself you can re-choose those connections.
And just for fun, take a moment to check in with yourself about what you are connected to right now and share in the comments below! As I write this, I feel connected to love, flow and harmony. I also just did a short breathing meditation!
Love & Light,