If you are anything like me, you have more than 100 unread emails full of business advice, learning opportunities, and cyber deals of the day. And, like me, you may feel compelled to complete a 2017 goal come hell or high water. You may also feel guilty about what you didn’t start or complete in 2017.
Well, don’t let your saboteurs or the online marketing gurus steal your holiday joy! Wherever you are is just fine!
From 10 to 2!
When I began writing this post, I had 10 tips to share. Then I realized I wouldn’t want to read a list of 10 things right now unless it was a list of things I’d already accomplished! So, without further ado, the whittled to 2 list!
- Cut yourself some slack! This time of year brings out the Chief Operating Officer of Control (COOC) in all of us. (If you haven’t downloaded the resignation letter yet, you will find it under the Resources tab.)
“No” without explanation is a perfectly acceptable answer to an invitation!
My COOC likes to jam my calendar and closely manage the calendars of those around me, too. This morning, I caught myself trying to squeeze in too many evenings out of the house. Though I love parties and social business events during December, I have decided to keep my sanity and only schedule two weeknights out of the house.
For the sake of what?
My COOC also wants to make sure I look as manicured as a Beverly Hills lawn. She is searching for the perfect times for the 2-hour holiday hair spiff-up and mani-pedi.
My COOC thinks I should get my baking on, too. Who cares that I can’t eat gluten, sugar and yeast? My family and friends can so cookies and cakes should be on my priority list.
See where I’m headed with this? Cut yourself some slack by eliminating the to do’s that are just giant “shoulds” or remnants of holiday traditions. (I’m ditching the baking and keeping the salon appointments!)
- Remember what it’s all about. We all know the truth of what I’m about to say, yet we each re-learn it until we own it: The holidays are about being with the people you love.
What it’s NOT about!
…the perfect gift, wrapped in the perfect paper, under the perfect tree, the perfect holiday meal, the perfect outfit for each party, the perfect hand-made cards, the perfectly kept holiday traditions, the perfectly clean house, the perfect relationships with family, the perfect you name it.
One of the COOC’s sisters is the Perfectionista, and she really wants me to think perfect exists outside of my fantasies. It doesn’t and I have the Ghost of burned-out Christmas Past to prove it.
Join me in pledging to ask for help and renounce perfect!
Raise your right hand and repeat after me. Yes, really!
“I pledge to cut myself some slack and renounce the urge to have things be perfect. I pledge to ask for help from all … family, friends, and strangers, too. I pledge to enjoy the holidays this year!”
Time to make it real!
- Pull out your to-do list(s). What are the items that feel like “shoulds”? Either cross them off as in, “Not gonna do that one!” or decide who to ask to do it for you, and ask them to.
- Look at your calendar. What scheduled party or event excites you the least? Re-rsvp and take back an evening or afternoon.
- Ask yourself, “What do I choose to experience this holiday season?”
I choose to experience love, fun, spaciousness, ease and flexibility … so I am starting early with prayers for easy travel days through two of the world’s busiest airports!
Share below that version of perfect you are renouncing and what you choose to experience this year instead!
Peace and Joy,
Wondering if Coaching with Cat is what you really need right now? Cat is dedicated to ensuring a relationship that is a perfect fit at the right time. Book your no-strings-attached complimentary strategy session now. Email: cat@catwilliford.com