We all have a “this” we want to get beyond. We yearn for the freedom of release from the heaviness of whatever our “this” is. Sometimes in that yearning, we adopt coping behaviors to minimize the discomfort – like ordering that second (or third) cocktail, eating...
Standing in my childhood home’s bedroom surrounded by piles of random things collected from multiple rooms waiting to be packed into moving boxes (Christmas china, antique linens and quilt pieces, books, collectible figurines), piles of clothing to be donated, and...
Birth of FOMO I’ve been semi-run by Fear of Missing Out, a-k-a FOMO, since I was quite young. My parents grew up in Houston and because they both enjoyed our extended family, we went to Houston frequently, driving in on Friday evening after my dad got off work....
The Winter Solstice is the longest, darkest night of the year in the northern hemisphere, yet this darkness rebirths the light. In the land of The Modern Goddess, i.e. my LA circle of goddesses, we pause at the Winter Solstice to acknowledge the gamut of our year:...
Recently, I found myself on the brink of self-frustration. I was blaming the weather, lack of time and anything else I could think of for the fact that I wasn’t doing that thing called moving my body (exercise!). The trap door opened on self-derision. So I sat myself...
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