Summer Solstice Musings & Meditation

June 20th- The Longest Day of the Year

The Summer Solstice conjures up childhood memories of: 

  • Playing outside with friends even after dinner
  • A Feeling of “I CAN!”
  • A feeling that the next school year was a long way off.

As an adult, the Summer Solstice might just find you working too hard, too long, and feeling pressured rather than inspired. (I say a big, fat “ugh” to feeling pressured!) 

Summer Solstice Is a Reason to Celebrate!

Google “Summer Solstice” and you will find pages devoted to astrological, astronomical, religious, cultural, and spiritual celebrations and traditions. A Modern Goddess is not bound to any one of them and uses all that apply!  

I like to combine the fueling energy of the sun, abundant daylight hours, celebration of warmth, and time for growth. Oh, and let me not forget the sultry sensual pleasure of a warm evening breeze on bare shoulders and arms! 

Summer Solstice Meditation Link

The Little Engine That Does

The Summer Solstice infuses us with Can-Do, Get-it-Done-Now masculine energy. The trick is to make sure we are utilizing all this Can-Do energy on things that matter to us, and in balance with the rest of life.

Consciously Out of Balance

Rather than fight your urge to do more and play more, name it out loud, consciously.  

One of the most powerful things we can do is be transparent with ourselves.  

So go ahead and call it: “I’m moving at lightning speed, accomplishing things, harnessing the power of the sun and delighting in it all!”

Or maybe you are more in the space of: “It’s so nice outside, I just wanna go play and forget about that darn to-do list!”

What about My Feminine Energy?

The beauty of going consciously out of balance is you remain aware of balance.  

So, what will you do to stay in touch with your Feminine energy? Identifying how you will be in touch with your Feminine energy is as important as doing all you’re doing! In other words, don’t forget about that sultry, warm evening breeze!

In-Charge & Transparent

The noon sun at this time of year creates no shadow. This is a great time to let the noon Summer Solstice Sun illuminate your life … particularly the places of shadow!

Let the sunshine into your corners. Perhaps self-doubt or saboteurs that sound like “I can’t” lurk in the shadows or corners. Possibly, one of those old stories of you lurks in another, taunting you a little.

Get out your Shadow-Buster!

What is a Shadow-Buster? It can be stating the truth, deciding, or stating the obvious to everyone else but you.

This year,  I’m shadow-busting an old story about how other people’s “crisis” moments are more important than my … fill in the blank … project, well-being, and creativity. My buster chooses three experiences each day before I leave bed. Today’s include Awe and Creativity! (I went to Paint Night and painted a fun ocean sunset vignette!)

What makes this time different?

I know, I know. You’ve decided, stated and goal dates have come and gone before. Been there. What makes this time any different? Two things: The Summer Solstice “I CAN” energy, and making sure that what you say you will do or want to experience really matters to you today, right now.

No Time Like Right Now!

  1. What is the lingering project you want to complete?  
  2. What will its completion give you personally?  
  3. What will be possible for you next because this goal is reached?
  4. What do you want to experience through it all? (Ease, flow, fun?)

Write your answers to these questions. The more tangible, clear, and un-shadowy your responses, the better! Put your answers in a place you can see often, like on your bathroom mirror, your screensaver, or your refrigerator door.

Remember the Feminine

What are three things you can do to make sure you stay in touch with your Feminine energy during this time of high output?  

Mine are: Set my experiential intentions, journal regularly, seek support and collaboration, and plan one fun, not work-related-at-all outing each week!  

I’m giving myself a bonus fourth thing – stand outside each evening and feel the air on my arms and face! (As I type this, the ocean breeze wafts through my open window and tickles the hair on my exposed arms and my ears catch the softly rhythmic waves!)

I also grant myself permission to eradicate the old story that other’s needs are more important than the “good for me” stuff. 

Go Public!

Tell someone:

  1. What is your Summer Solstice goal/intention? (Include the completion date if there is one!)
  2. What will support you to stay in touch with your feminine energy?
  3. What is your “CAN DO” permission or perspective?


Click here to listen to more Summer Solstice musings and a meditation!  


Love and Light,



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