Self-Love Permission

Recently, I found myself on the brink of self-frustration. I was blaming the weather, lack of time and anything else I could think of for the fact that I wasn’t doing that thing called moving my body (exercise!). The trap door opened on self-derision.

So I sat myself down, took three deep breaths then focused my attention on my feet, my hands, my breath and then my excuses. Next, with a great deal of compassion I asked, “What’s stopping me?” The answer made me laugh out loud it was so simple! “Nothing! Simply remember you always have permission to take care of yourself no matter how busy you are, no matter how sad you are, no matter how invisible you feel.” So I took a walk and did my yoga practice.

Next time you are bordering on self-frustration and want something to shift, just stop. Become aware of your breath and focus on your feet and hands. Then ask yourself, “What’s next love?” When you hear the answer, grant yourself the permission to honor the answer.

To learn more about The Authenticity Advantage coaching and training programs and how your organization can benefit, please contact Cat Williford directly. Email:

Love and Light,


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