Do you still feel me on the other side?

His voice at once so familiar, so beloved, and so different in its weakness echoes in my ears. My second great love, the man I call Scott in my book, has died. I am not sure what to do with all my sadness. Sadness for his death, sadness all over again for our demise,...

The Unknown is Here – What Now?

I decided to take on this topic because in coaching clients during 2020 through today, I’ve noticed it is the sense of the unknown that is the most alarming … not that they or a loved one will get sick … but the unknown. And the lack of control – hello, anyone’s Chief...

Back to Basics: When the Shortcuts Don’t Cut it!

Ever notice how work stress, health hiccups, or relationship challenges derail your groove of meditation, nutrition, or exercise? What do you need to do to get back to these life tools? Reclaiming them is like finding your way home. Welcome home, y’all! The Call...

Post Eclipse Meltdown

I knew it was coming. The emotional storm would happen someday this week. I could feel the swelling in my heart on Monday, like a spring run-off full river pressing against an earthen dam built long ago, weakened by years of storm cycles. Sometimes it is the actual...

I Didn’t Get It Until … Just Now!

I spent nine years in the creative hot zone of writing, editing, tearing apart and rebuilding, then writing and editing some more my just released book, The Ovarian Chronicles. And last week during a conversation with my writing group about releasing our books into...